
上海達明貿易有限公司Shanghai Daming Trade Company Limited



上海達明貿易網站鄭重承諾:我們將尊重與保護您的隱私權。 我們構建此網站以便您能夠從網絡訪問上海達明貿易網站,通常,您不必表明身份或泄露您的個人可識別信息。 一旦您選擇向我們提供您的個人信息(任何可以識別您身份的信息),我們保證,這些信息將僅用于上海達明貿易網站為您提供客戶支持。 您在網頁上提供的個人信息被視為可從 Interne 上公開獲得,除非您在會員登記表中進行了其他選擇。



上海達明貿易網站提供這一在線保密聲明以便您能夠了解我們的保密政策和一貫作法,了解您可以對我們收集和使用您的個人信息進行選擇。 為了便于查閱本聲明,我們將其放在上海達明貿易網站首頁與每一個網頁的底部。


在上海達明貿易網站的某些網頁上,您可以訂購產品或服務、請求幫助或登記索取材料。 在這些網頁上,您需要提供的個人信息有:姓名、聯系和記帳方式、交易事項及信用卡信息。在網頁上,您可以選擇提供您的個人及商務聯系信息。

為使今后的聯絡更能滿足您的個人需要,并且不斷改進我們的產品和服務(包括注冊登記), 我們可能還會要求您提供有關您個人或職業興趣、人口統計、上海達明貿易網站產品使用經歷以及您喜愛的聯系方式等信息。

一些上海達明貿易網站網頁中使用了 cookie 技術(一種數據分析技術)。


上海達明貿易網站使用這些信息是為了更好地了解您的需要并為您提供更好的服務。 我們使用您的信息主要是幫助您完成購買交易、與您日后聯絡、更新服務使您受益并且為您提供更能滿足您個人需要的網站。 信用卡號碼僅用于支付,我們不會保留它用于其他目的。

某些情況下,我們可能還會用您的信息與您取得聯系以進行市場調查或為您提供我們認為您可能感興趣的市場信息。 至少,我們可以使您有機會選擇是否接受這種直接的市場推廣或市場調查。 我們還將追蹤當地的需要,以便在您與我們聯系之前就主動為您提供所需的服務。 您提供并指定為公開的信息可被任何查訪到您卡片的瀏覽者獲得。您可以將大部分或全部信息選擇為保密信息。


上海達明貿易網站不會把您的個人識別信息出售或出租給他人。 除非經您許可或法律要求,否則我們將只與其他上海達明貿易網站實體和/或代表上海達明貿易網站的業務伙伴在如上所述的范圍內共享您的個人數據。 上海達明貿易網站實體和/或業務伙伴(包括那些在中國或其他國家的)均要遵守保密政策中有關數據使用的條款,并且受到相關適用保密協議的約束。



上海達明貿易網站將不會在未經您事先知曉和許可的情況下,以與上述內容無關的方式隨意使用或分享您在線提供給我們的個人識別信息。 如前所述,您可以告知我們您不希望收到我們主動為您提供的市場促銷材料,我們將盡最大的努力尊重您的要求。 在與中國法律不同的國家,應該執行當地的法規和政策。 您的許可總被首先保障,我們決不會與任何不代表上海達明貿易網站、不受我們保密政策約束的第三方分享您的信息。


上海達明貿易網站力求使您的個人識別信息保持準確。 我們將提供給您訪問您的個人信息的能力,包括努力使您能夠在線訪問您的注冊數據, 以便您可以在提交這些信息的上海達明貿易網站網站上查看、更新或修改您的信息。 為保護您的隱私和安全,我們還將采取合理的措施驗證身份,之后,才能訪問或修改信息。 要訪問您的個人可識別信息,請返回到您最初輸入該信息的網頁,然后按照該網頁上的提示進行操作。 通過使用密碼和要求提供個人識別信息,上海達明貿易網站網站的一些區域可能會限制對某些特殊個體的訪問。

本網站到第三方網站的鏈接僅作為一種方便服務提供給您。 如果使用這些鏈接,您將離開上海達明貿易網站網站。 上海達明貿易網站對所有這些第三方網站均未做過審查,也不對它們的內容或保密政策進行控制或負任何責任。 因此,上海達明貿易網站對這些網站及其任何信息、軟件或其他產品、材料、或因使用它們而可能獲得的任何結果不予認可,也不作任何陳述。 如果您決定訪問任何與本站鏈接的第三方網站,其風險全部由您自己承擔。


上海達明貿易網站承諾保障您信息的安全。 為防止未經授權的訪問或泄密、保護數據的準確性,并確保信息的正確使用,我們已經采取了恰當的物理、電子和管理方面的措施以維護和保障我們在線收集的信息。



如何使用 cookie 技術

一個 cookie 是一段放置在您計算機硬盤中的文本。 您如果同意,那么瀏覽器就會把該文本添加到一個小文件中。 cookie 的目的是幫助我們分析網絡通信,或使我們能夠了解您是在何時對某個特定網站進行訪問的。 cookie 使網絡應用程序能夠將您作為一個個體來響應。 通過收集和記憶有關您好惡的信息,網絡應用程序可定制其運作以滿足您的需要。

我們知道,許多人對 cookie 抱有疑慮,但是通過與眾多客戶交談,我們確信雙方從正確使用 cookie 中獲得的利益還是十分巨大的。 我們非常重視與客戶的關系,所以我們理解這些擔憂。 上海達明貿易網站將努力不斷改進上海達明貿易網站網站和對個人數據的保密政策及其實施。

您可以改變網絡瀏覽器(MicroSoft Internet Explorer 或 Netscape Navigator)的cookie 設置,甚至完全拒絕 cookie。 您可以刪除包含 cookie 的文件;這些文件被保存為 internet 瀏覽器的一部分。

Privacy Statement

Shanghai Daming Trade Company Limited ("Shanghai Daming Trade") respects the privacy of visitors to our websites. In order for you to feel comfortable that your privacy will be maintained throughout your visit to our website, and as you do business with our Company on-line, we have organized our sites so that you will not be required to identify yourself or reveal any personal information in order to view our websites. At times, we may ask you to provide information about yourself or your company in order to better serve you. If you choose to provide this personally identifiable information, we will use it in accordance with this Statement. We provide this Privacy Statement to answer some of the questions you may have about the types of information we may collect from our websites and what we may do with that information. By entering this website, you are consenting to the terms of this Privacy Statement.

What information do we collect?
We understand that you expect to learn about our products and services when you visit our websites. Similarly, we hope to learn about your needs as our customer through your visits to our websites in order to better develop products and services that meet your needs. Thus, we may ask you about the nature of your business, particular projects you are working on, what you plan to use our products for, and various other demographic information. On some of our web pages, you may be able to ask questions and register to receive information. On these pages, we will ask you for the personal information necessary for us to respond to you, such as your name and contact information. You may decide against participating in data collection by not sending us information which you consider private.

We use "cookies" on our websites to help you use our services more easily, and to help us to keep track of certain statistical information so that we can continuously improve our website and our service to you. A "cookie" is a small data file that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive to help our website "remember" information about you when you return to our website, such as your preferences for our sites and user passwords. Our cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive, cannot read cookie files created by other websites or track any personal information about you. You may be able to set your browser to erase a cookie, block a cookie or notify you when you receive a cookie.

What do we do with this information?
We will use the information that you provide us to better understand your needs and to provide you with better products and services. At the most basic level, we will use information you provide to communicate with you, to update you on our products and services, and to personalize our websites for you. We may also share with our business associates data about the number and frequency of visitors to our websites and the manner in which customers use our websites. Additionally, we may share with our business associates, affiliates and corporate transaction partners (for instance, merger partners) information about you in order to provide better products and services. Periodically, we may survey you about your use of products for other market research, or to provide you with marketing information we think will be useful to you. Of course, you need not participate in these surveys or accept this marketing information.

Except as set forth in this Privacy Statement, we will not, without your permission, give, sell or provide to others for a fee the information which you provide to us. We will always ask for and obtain your permission before sharing your personal information with anyone other than Shanghai Daming Trade affiliates, business associates or corporate transaction partners, unless we believe in good faith the law supports disclosure even without your consent.

How can you be sure the information you provide is accurately maintained?
The information you provide helps us to develop better products and services and we take seriously the obligation to maintain it accurately. If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, or if you have or another person has submitted personally identifiable information about you through this website, and you would like to have that information deleted from our marketing databases, please contact us using our webmaster feedback form or Shanghai Daming Trade, Law Department, Haifu Garden, Room 7F, 1369# Dongfang Road, Shanghai, China. You may also contact us through either of the above methods if you would like to see the personally identifiable information Shanghai Daming Trade has collected about you through this website. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

Will your information be secure?
Shanghai Daming Trade recognizes that visitors to its websites naturally will be concerned about the security of their information, and we are committed to employing reasonable technology in order to protect the security of this website, but even with the best technology, no website is 100% secure. We will take reasonable measures which we believe are appropriate to protect your information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction, and, where possible, will try to ensure that any third parties to whom we may transfer your information take appropriate steps to protect its security.

We may provide you with hyperlinks to non-Shanghai Daming Trade affiliated websites. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee or vouch for the data collection practices of such other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or statements for those linked websites.

The Privacy of Children
Shanghai Daming Trade has no intention of collecting any personally identifiable information from individuals under 13 years of age. Where appropriate, Shanghai Daming Trade will specifically instruct children not to submit such information on our websites. If a child has provided us with personally identifiable information, a parent or guardian of that child may request that the information be deleted from our records by contacting using our webmaster feedback form or Shanghai Daming Trade, Law Department, Haifu Garden, Room 7F, 1369# Dongfang Road, Shanghai, China.

Revisions to Privacy Statement
We may change this Privacy Statement from time to time. Please check our website for any changes to this Statement, or if you have any questions, you may contact us directy, or write Shanghai Daming Trade, Law Department, Haifu Garden, Room 7F, 1369# Dongfang Road, Shanghai, China.

Individual Shanghai Daming Trade websites may have privacy statements tailored specifically for activity on those sites, and the terms of those statements may differ to some extent from this Privacy Statement.